Myanmar Athletic Federations held Technical Advisory meeting this afternoon at our Presidents Mr Shein Win’s Office Meeting Hall. All the Technical Advisors carefully discuss each athletes’ abilities while referring to their record/results from the “Camped Record Test Event” with the Vice President Mr U Thar Aung and General Secretary U Kyaw Htoo Aung to select out the athletes, who should be Camped trained further and send to Joint Training for the Preparation for 32nd SEA GAMES.
Myanmar Athletic Federations thanks our Vice President U Thar Aung and each and individual Technicals who attended personally, and those who attended through Zoom from far to participate in this 2/2022 Technical Advisory meeting.
Date: 8.9.2022
Time: (3:00pm – 5:00pm)
#MyanmarAthleticsFederation #MAF